Australian Spotted Python Care Sheet


I bought my first pair of Spotted Pythons “Spotties” at the first reptile show my wife and I ever attended. They are a very pretty dark black or brown snake with lighter more creamy light brown. In the sunlight they appear to have a luminescent rainbow coloring that shows up well on the animal’s rough edged looking spots on their smooth patterned bodies. Sometimes the spots even form partial bands. I think that their ability to climb and eat upside down is extremely neat and watching them explore their habitats is enjoyable and relaxing. These small pythons are a non-aggressive snake that makes a great pet in captivity. They are one of four species from the Antaresia family of pythons.


Australian Spotted Python or more commonly referred to in the pet trade as Spotted Pythons or spotties.


Antaresia maculosa


Australia is the natural home for spotted pythons. They are most common along the north to northeastern parts of the continent and the Cape York Peninsula and several islands of the coast of Queensland.


Spotted pythons usually max out in size around 3 to 4 feet in length and no bigger around than a half-dollar.


Average lifespan is 20 to 30 years or more if cared for properly.


Housing spotties is fairly easy. You need an enclosure that has enough room to put some climbing material in as spotted pythons are semi-nocturnal and like to climb and explore at night. I recommend a 10 gallon tank with a top extension or a 15 gallon tank. Spotted pythons do not need a lot of space and like their privacy. There should also be a secure lid with no cracks or crevices. They also enjoy a fairly large water bowl to soak in. The only reason for the use of a light on these pythons is so you can see them and simulate days, but they will need an under the tank heat mat (source). Spotties can also be housed in rack system in the same manner as other coloubrids and ball pythons.


Paper towels, newspaper and/or recycled newspaper products work well, aspen shavings, cypress mulch, coconut husks, fir bark and other pet store brands work well to provide a suitable substrate for spotted pythons.


Low 70-75F degrees at night are fine for these snakes, but they like daytime temps of 80-85F degrees with an 88-95F degree hot spot. The spotted pythons do not need high humidity.


From experience I can say that spotties are very easy to handle and they can successfully be housed in pairs until they reach maturity. However, they must be separated while eating. Over all, I would suggest raising them in separate enclosures. They are rarely aggressive unless food is involved.


There are several things that you can feed spotted pythons in captivity. African soft furred rats, mice and rats are all common feeder items. Fresh water is always a must with any snake and the spotteds are water guzzlers.


Your spotted python enclosure should be cleaned at least one time a week. Nolvasan S (Chlorhexidine diacetate) is great to us for cleaning. There are some people that use different bleach/water solutions to clean with but I do not recommend using it around you animals or on the inside of your habitat. Hydrogen Peroxide kills germs just like bleach but is much safer to clean with for you and your animal. Then again there is nothing wrong with some good old fashioned hot soapy antibacterial water.


Handling spotted pythons is just like handling anything else, you have to establish a relationship with your pet(s). Most of your spotted pythons are super docile creatures and do not mind being held by their owners once they have gotten used to them. Australian spotted pythons are a very nonaggressive species of snake and most bites come from hatchlings that are afraid. The striking usually goes away quickly after being handled a few times. However, there can always be exceptions where there are animals involved.


Australian Spotted Pythons are basically one of the best, if not the best, beginner snake a person can own as a pet. They are cost efficient when it comes to feeding, housing, heating and watering and they are easy to care for. They are so good natured that they are one of the most favored pets to own among Australians. Spotted pythons are the ideal pet for anyone that loves small hardy snakes.
